The set is a data structures. Most computer languages have this data structure. It looks like an array (or a vector, in Clojure terms), but every element is unique. Elements are stored in no particular order.

We can create set data structures by using the set function. We can also create it with var binding.

The syntax is: (set coll)

user=> (set '[111 1 2035 1 57 111])
#{1 111 2035 57}

user=> (def my-set #{"Jan", "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"})
user=> my-set
#{"Jun" "Apr" "Feb" "May" "Jan" "Mar"}

Let’s try more examples. We will use sentences from “Pride and Prejudice,” Chapter 59. Copy and paste this into your repl.

(def sentences "The evening passed quietly, unmarked by anything extraordinary. The acknowledged lovers talked and laughed, the unacknowledged were silent. Darcy was not of a disposition in which happiness overflows in mirth; and Elizabeth, agitated and confused, rather knew that she was happy than felt herself to be so; for, besides the immediate embarrassment, there were other evils before her. She anticipated what would be felt in the family when her situation became known; she was aware that no one liked him but Jane; and even feared that with the others it was a dislike which not all his fortune and consequence might do away.")
view raw sentences.clj hosted with ❤ by GitHub
user=> ; takes out words from sentences using regular expression

user=> (def words (re-seq #"\w+" sentences))
user=> words
("The" "evening" "passed" "quietly" "unmarked" "by" "anything" "extraordinary" "The" "acknowledged" "lovers" "talked" "and" "laughed" "the" "unacknowledged" "were" "silent" "Darcy" "was" "not" "of" "a" "disposition" "in" "which" "happiness" "overflows" "in" "mirth" "and" "Elizabeth" "agitated" "and" "confused" "rather" "knew" "that" "she" "was" "happy" "than" "felt" "herself" "to" "be" "so" "for" "besides" "the" "immediate" "embarrassment" "there" "were" "other" "evils" "before" "her" "She" "anticipated" "what" "would" "be" "felt" "in" "the" "family" "when" "her" "situation" "became" "known" "she" "was" "aware" "that" "no" "one" "liked" "him" "but" "Jane" "and" "even" "feared" "that" "with" "the" "others" "it" "was" "a" "dislike" "which" "not" "all" "his" "fortune" "and" "consequence" "might" "do" "away")

user=> ; how many words are there?
user=> (count words)

user=> ; to make it understandable, sort it
user=> (sort words)
("Darcy" "Elizabeth" "Jane" "She" "The" "The" "a" "a" "acknowledged" "agitated" "all" "and" "and" "and" "and" "and" "anticipated" "anything" "aware" "away" "be" "be" "became" "before" "besides" "but" "by" "confused" "consequence" "dislike" "disposition" "do" "embarrassment" "even" "evening" "evils" "extraordinary" "family" "feared" "felt" "felt" "for" "fortune" "happiness" "happy" "her" "her" "herself" "him" "his" "immediate" "in" "in" "in" "it" "knew" "known" "laughed" "liked" "lovers" "might" "mirth" "no" "not" "not" "of" "one" "other" "others" "overflows" "passed" "quietly" "rather" "she" "she" "silent" "situation" "so" "talked" "than" "that" "that" "that" "the" "the" "the" "the" "there" "to" "unacknowledged" "unmarked" "was" "was" "was" "was" "were" "were" "what" "when" "which" "which" "with" "would")

user=> ; we see many duplications. let's make those unique
user=> (def unique-words (set words))
user=> (sort unique-words)
("Darcy" "Elizabeth" "Jane" "She" "The" "a" "acknowledged" "agitated" "all" "and" "anticipated" "anything" "aware" "away" "be" "became" "before" "besides" "but" "by" "confused" "consequence" "dislike" "disposition" "do" "embarrassment" "even" "evening" "evils" "extraordinary" "family" "feared" "felt" "for" "fortune" "happiness" "happy" "her" "herself" "him" "his" "immediate" "in" "it" "knew" "known" "laughed" "liked" "lovers" "might" "mirth" "no" "not" "of" "one" "other" "others" "overflows" "passed" "quietly" "rather" "she" "silent" "situation" "so" "talked" "than" "that" "the" "there" "to" "unacknowledged" "unmarked" "was" "were" "what" "when" "which" "with" "would")

user=> ; how many words are left?
user=> (count unique-words)

user=> ; let's add "Jane" and "Lydia"
user=> ; "Jane" is already there, so she should not be added twice
user=> (sort (reduce conj unique-words ["Jane" "Lydia"]))
("Darcy" "Elizabeth" "Jane" "Lydia" "She" "The" "a" "acknowledged" "agitated" "all" "and" "anticipated" "anything" "aware" "away" "be" "became" "before" "besides" "but" "by" "confused" "consequence" "dislike" "disposition" "do" "embarrassment" "even" "evening" "evils" "extraordinary" "family" "feared" "felt" "for" "fortune" "happiness" "happy" "her" "herself" "him" "his" "immediate" "in" "it" "knew" "known" "laughed" "liked" "lovers" "might" "mirth" "no" "not" "of" "one" "other" "others" "overflows" "passed" "quietly" "rather" "she" "silent" "situation" "so" "talked" "than" "that" "the" "there" "to" "unacknowledged" "unmarked" "was" "were" "what" "when" "which" "with" "would")

user=> ; what if we eliminate articles and FANBOYS (For-And-Nor-But-Or-Yet-So)
user=> (sort (disj unique-words "a" "the" "for" "and" "nor" "but" "or" "yet" "so"))
("Darcy" "Elizabeth" "Jane" "She" "The" "acknowledged" "agitated" "all" "anticipated" "anything" "aware" "away" "be" "became" "before" "besides" "by" "confused" "consequence" "dislike" "disposition" "do" "embarrassment" "even" "evening" "evils" "extraordinary" "family" "feared" "felt" "fortune" "happiness" "happy" "her" "herself" "him" "his" "immediate" "in" "it" "knew" "known" "laughed" "liked" "lovers" "might" "mirth" "no" "not" "of" "one" "other" "others" "overflows" "passed" "quietly" "rather" "she" "silent" "situation" "talked" "than" "that" "there" "to" "unacknowledged" "unmarked" "was" "were" "what" "when" "which" "with" "would")
