Using what we have just learnt from Clojure Collections, lets define ourselves in more detail using a vector type of collection.

Vector Collections

Create a vector using [ ] around one or more values.

[1 2 3 4]
["Its" true "Vectors" "can" "hold" 0 "or" "greater" "values"]

A vector is a very flexible box you can put any kind of values in (eg. strings, numbers, characters, function calls, names, true, false, keywords).

There is no limit to the number or types of values you can put into a vector (although an infinite number of values could prove tricky all at once)

You can also create a a vector using the function vector

(vector 1 2 3 4)

Who am I as a collection

Previously you used a string to define information about yourself. Now lets create a string for each piece of information about yourself

Using a Vector of Strings and numbers to define yourself


Give the collection a name using the def function.

By giving a vector a name, we can return the value of that vector by using its name.

(def my-details )


Here is a suggested example