Breaking down the barriers to hiring the right software engineers, providing a platform to managing the whole process (written in ClojureScript).
Fun, Friendly, Free workshop for Women and non-binary genders
Coach training 2nd May
Fun, free and friendly workshops for those identifying as women or non-binary gender.
Every student is paired with a coach who will support them through the workshop, helping them to relate to the concepts covered and coaching them in the art of coding.
We teach students Clojure, a functional programming language that is great for beginners and experienced developers alike. Find out why Clojure is a great language to learn.
Students can choose their own path in learning Clojure and we have put together content at different experience levels of experience.
Examples of just what Clojure can do
Students can choose their own path in learning Clojure and we have put together content at three different levels
Every student is paired with a coach who will support them through the workshop, helping them to relate to the concepts covered and coaching them in the art of coding.
If you are taking the learning path to build a website, game or app (or wish to do so after the event), then you should install Clojure on your laptop
The Clojure development environment guides show you how to do this for Linux, MacOSX and Windows.
Invaluable resources to help you create wonderful things in Clojure
Everything you wanted to know as a coach but were a little shy about asking...
How to get involved as a sponsor