Lets create some code with klipse
(def john {:firstname "John" :lastname "Stevenson"})
(:firstname john)
xthe evaluation will appear here (soon)...
Code is styled with style/website.css inline with single backtick marks as in the following code (+ 1 2 3)
And code can be shown without klipse using the usual triple backtick and optional name of the programming language
(+ 1 2 3)
And code in an earlier part of the page in Klipse should be available in latter klipse sections
the evaluation will appear here (soon)...
Can we hide klipse away from prying eyes
Lets use a gist with klipse - collapse false
;loaded from gist: https://gist.github.com/viebel/8cb19d258fea39a64146721ce50603d0
(require [cljs.tools.reader :as r])
(require [cljs.tools.reader.reader-types :as rt])
(defn read-several-exps [s]
(let [sentinel (js-obj)
reader (rt/string-push-back-reader s)]
(loop [res []]
(let [exp (r/read reader false sentinel)]
(if (= exp sentinel)
(recur (conj res exp)))))))
(read-several-exps "(+ ::a 2) #_(+ 3 4) #:foo{:a 'bb} ")
the evaluation will appear here (soon)...
collapse true
;loaded from gist: https://gist.github.com/viebel/8cb19d258fea39a64146721ce50603d0
(require [cljs.tools.reader :as r])
(require [cljs.tools.reader.reader-types :as rt])
(defn read-several-exps [s]
(let [sentinel (js-obj)
reader (rt/string-push-back-reader s)]
(loop [res []]
(let [exp (r/read reader false sentinel)]
(if (= exp sentinel)
(recur (conj res exp)))))))
(read-several-exps "(+ ::a 2) #_(+ 3 4) #:foo{:a 'bb} ")
the evaluation will appear here (soon)...
App idea: simple app that tracks how many times I mistakenly used defn instead of def or vice versa