Microsoft VSCode and Calva extension

VS Code supports Clojure and ClojureScript development through an extension called Calva.

VSCode Calva extension for Clojure development

Install VS Code

Download the .deb file

Open (double click) the file. The Ubuntu software studio will open. Click the Install button.

VSCode Install on Ubuntu

Enter your password when prompted to install the software.

Close the Ubuntu Software app once the install has finished.

Reference: VSCode on Linux

Running VSCode

To run VSCode, press the Super key and type code, or open a terminal and type the command code.

Download the .zip file

Double-click on the downloaded archive to expand the contents.

Drag Visual Studio to the Applications folder, making it available in the Launchpad.

Add VS Code to your Dock by right-clicking on the icon and choosing Options, Keep in Dock.

Reference: VSCode on MacOSX

Running VSCode

Launch VSCode from the Dock, or in a command line terminal, type code.

Download the .rpm file

Open (double click) the file. The Ubuntu software studio will open. Click the Install button.

Running VSCode

To run VSCode, press the Super key and type code, or open a terminal and type the command code.

Reference: VSCode on Linux

Download the Windows Installer

Run the installer which should have a name similar to VSCodeUserSetup-{version}.exe.

VS Code is installed under C:\users\{username}\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code.

Reference: VSCode on Windows

Running VSCode

Open the Start menu and type code. Click on the VSCode icon to start.

Install Calva extension

Select the Extensions icon in the left hand navigation.

Type calva into the search box to list the relevant extensions to install

VSCode Calva Extensions list

Click the Install button next to the Calva: Clojure & ClojureScript interactive programming extension.

After a few momments the extension will show as installed.

VSCode Calva Extensions list

No restart required

VSCode version 1.31.1 does not need to restart after installing the extensions.

Calva 2 was released in May 2019, please remove any older extensions

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