Exercise: Name Squash

In this exercise we will write functions to split and join strings together.

Take your name and the name of another student in the group and create a combined name

A collection of two people

Create a collection of two people. Each person should have a two part name, eg. "Ada Lovelace"

Give your collection a name so you can use it in later exercises on this page.

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Split first and last names

Define a function called name-split. The function should take one argument, which is a string of a persons name, first and last as one string. The behaviour of the function splits the names into two strings Then call the function with a name to split

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clojure.string/split function will split a string on a given pattern (regular expression), such as a space: #" ".

Jumble the names

Write a function to jumble up the first and last names to create a new person

For example, take the first name from the first person and join it with the last name from the second person

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Remember, the let function defines local names that you can use for temporary values. Using several names with the let function can make this challenge a little simpler to solve

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