
The if function takes one condition. If there are multiple conditions to test for then if is not the best option.

cond function can evaluate multiple conditions

  predicate1 expression-to-evaluate-when-predicate1-is-true
  predicate2 expression-to-evaluate-when-predicate2-is-true
  :else      expression-to-evaluate-when-all-above-are-false)

Reference: Conditional cond

To create the position function with cond

(def number 0)

  (= number 1) "1st"
  (= number 2) "2nd"
  (= number 3) "3rd"
  :else   (str number "th"))

Here is another example of using cond

(def x 0)

  (< x 10)    "x is smaller than 10"
  (< 10 x 20) "x is between 10 and 20"
  (< 20 x 30) "x is between 20 and 30"
  (< 30 x 40) "x is between 30 and 40"
  :else       "x is bigger than 40")

results matching ""

    No results matching ""